Remove the Food Preservatives that Kill the Probiotics in Your Gut

You should avoid processed foods with preservatives as often as you can. These food preservatives kill the probiotics that digest our food. Healthy probiotics keep a healthy gut.

Probiotics are good bacteria that are necessary for good digestion.
Remove the Food Preservatives that Kill the Probiotics in Your Gut
- Did you know that food preservatives are needed to help get fresh produce from around the world to our table? However, these can cause us digestive problems–like diarrhea.
- It can also cause diarrhea and other food sensitivities in some people.
- Sulfur dioxide is one antibacterial agent that is added to our produce to retard spoilage by killing the flora and “fungus-es.” (little humor there)
- Food preservatives kill the probiotics,” the good bacteria”, and the bad bacteria, in our intestines. They also harm our immune system and make us more likely to get sick.
- When we eat, what we think is a healthy salad, it might not be so healthy to our intestines.
Washing our produce can remove most of the food preservatives
- We can remove most of the food preservatives from fresh produce by washing with plain water; others can be, neutralized, with a solution of 1/5 vinegar and water.
- Probiotics—are the friendly little guys who digest my food. We have about 16 trillion of these in the average gut.
Protect your body by adding some probiotics to each meal
We need to add probiotics to each meal to replace those killed by the preservatives in our food. Probiotics can be found in most cheeses, raw sauerkraut, kimchi, live culture yogurt and raw vegetables which are killed by cooking.
Sauerkraut is Easy to Make–Right in Your Kitchen
Remember folks, a little bit of attention to our food will pay big dividends to you health and happiness as we march on into our future.
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Tags: health, healthy intestines, probiotics, proper diet, proper nutrition, sauerkraut | jerry |