The Ocean Called Me

The ocean is peaceful or it can be strong and violent. It reaches out to many people who enjoy visiting. This is a fun little poem I wrote about the way I feel about the sea.
The Ocean Called Me
I went to the ocean today
It calls me, I don’t know why
I never hear it call my name
But I awaken from my sleep
To see the waves and hear the surf
And I wonder why
Some folks say that long ago
My ancestors crawled from the primordial stew
And walked about…
Out from the mess
That was left
By the birth of Mother Earth
Did some space traveling “essence of life”
Land here amid the primordial stew
And survive
Did it find a friend?
Amid the hostile environment
It must have been a long journey … from somewhere
… to somewhere else.
Did some space bandit ride in
On his frigid steed
At nearly the speed of light
With no atmosphere to slow his flight
Plunge into the ugly mess
What kind of traveler would that be?
Surely he would not leave home willingly
What strange thoughts to ponder
Time being so vast … with no beginning … and no end
Maybe in the crevices of my serpent brain
Deeply secreted from science
There is still remnant … echoes of the past
That interplanetary traveler … of long ago
Is not so long ago … as it is to me
Did the slime dry under the relentless sun?
A billion years ago
Or did the tectonic plates shift about
Did a bigger space chunk cause havoc
Eventually man stood … and strutted about
And cast a wary eye
At the sky
And he said “I am the end result
Of all that came before
And he wondered … what will come after
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Tags: healthy living | jerry |