Natural Probiotics For Health And Happiness

Enjoy natural probiotics for health and happiness. The best way to have healthy probiotics is to use healthy food. Healthy food contains good bacteria. Also, this improves your gut health.

Our Gut Bacteria Digests Our Food

We have about 100 trillion bacteria in our gut.

Two thousand years ago Hippocrates said all diseases begin in the gut.

However, today the preservatives and other chemicals, in our food and medicine kill these friends as well as our enemies.

Eat fermented food every day.

natural probiotics come from fermented vegetables and sauerkraut

Fermented Vegetables

My goal here is to prompt healthy eating by taking care of your gut microbiome. Do this by adding fermented food to your daily diet. We can’t rely on someone else to keep us healthy. Also, no one else can ever know our needs, because we are such a diverse group of beings.

Our Fresh Foods Have Been Preserved

If we want peaches, apples and strawberries in January we need to remember that they have been kept from spoiling on their thousand-mile-journey. This extended shelf life happens by killing their natural bacteria. Also, they use many methods like irradiation, sulfides, and other preservatives to kill bacteria. This removes the little guys that we need to help digest our food and to stave off the enemies of our bodies.

Some studies say it takes 14-to-18 generations for our bodies to adjust to new and different foods.  That takes some 300 years. We have gone through many changes in the last half century. Also, we can’t expect our gut microbial domain to get it. They need our help.  They only ask for a good diet.

We can’t always save our gut bacteria from the foes in our food or in our medicine. However, we can give more of the ones that we can rely on to keep us healthy.

Fermented Vegetables, Fruit and Kimchi

Raw sauerkraut and fermented vegetables like kimchi, and yogurt, are great ways of giving these vital friends. Furthermore, raw sauerkraut and kimchi have hundreds of types of natural probiotics. That means happy gut bacteria. If this food has been processed, canned, bottled, baked, or preserved, then it most likely has none. Better to make your own at home.

Make Your Own Fermented Vegetables

Natural sauerkraut and fermented vegetables can be made at home with very little work or problems. It costs very little and is yummy.

A New Day Is Dawning Slowly

They did new studies at major universities, like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts Children’s Hospital, and Harvard medical School. As a matter of fact, these studies show that many diseases like IBS and C. difficile can be treated. They do this by injecting poop from a healthy person.

Medical science looks now at what we can do to help these little guys grow and thrive.

Importing Bacteria From A Healthy Person

They take this “Fecal matter” and shove it up the butt, give it as a pill or put it by tube in the stomach. This is about 90% effective, with no side effects. WOW!

Eat Your Own Natural Probiotics

After reading this post I think that you’d would rather eat healthy probiotics than receive another person’s ready made gut bacteria. As a matter of fact, I know I would.

See below resource:

Read the Pittsburgh Post Gazette post from October 12, 2014 that says “Frozen fecal ‘pill’ shows promise against bacteria.”

Read the power of poop post for recovery from IBS using FMT.

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  • love says:

    my kids love probiotics. But we only buy from the grocery stores. After reading this, I changed my mind on the commercialized probiotics qand will surely just try making my own natural probiotics. 🙂

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