Why I should constantly tweak my diet

Finding The Right Food For Me In my quest for health and happiness
For over ¾ of a century I have studied an array of nutrient experts, and their advice on what, when, why and how to eat). As a young man I learned how to feed pigs to make their fat solid, or loose and flabby; these principles also apply to you and me. This concept costs nothing, and pays big dividends: I tweak my diet gently, because my diet has worked well for me. We should also constantly tweak our own diets to keep ourselves healthy and happy. This is why I should constantly tweak my diet.
I Removed foods that a farmer would use to fatten livestock for the market
Since most foods have a three-day journey through my mind and body. I patiently observe the impact of my diet over the following days. Some foods make me lethargic and lazy. Some foods cause me to have stamina and energy.
I Have Learned to Avoid All Sweetened Drinks–Even Honey in My Tea
I learned to enjoy the natural taste of my food without flavorings, sweeteners or other additives. This opened a whole new world of enjoyment for me and my relationship with food. Natural salt is a nice flavoring–especially for my black coffee, which I am cutting way back on.
HIgh Nutrient-density Foods are a Great Benefit of Eating this Way
Find the high nutrient-density foods that you want in your diet. Spinach, green beans, the cabbage family including broccoli, horseradish and collard greens and all kinds of fermented foods like sauerkraut and Kimchi, and other fermented vegetables are wonderful sources of delicious nutrients that will keep you healthy and happy
I now avoid most starches, although I still eat some beans, because they treat me well, I really like plain old black beans. I especially avoid soybeans and all soybean products. Regretfully, I find it very hard to avoid soy products because they are now in so many processed foods and restaurant foods.
I now avoid most starches, although I still eat some beans, because they treat me well, I really like plain old black beans. I especially avoid soybeans and all soybean products. Regretfully, I find it very hard to avoid soy products because they are now in so many processed foods and restaurant foods.
I only use Olive oil, Coconut Oil and Lard
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