Probiotic Health

Probiotic Health

Probiotic health holds vital importance for our bodies.

Trillions of germs in your gut digest the food and work with the immune system to keep you healthy. Keep them healthy and add more each day.

Keep your gut healthy to keep your body healthy.

Probiotic Health

Feed the bugs? Oh, spare me!

More than sixty trillion in my long gut

More than cells in my body

Some are mean and ugly too


They too consume calories

As they break down my food

And fight my enemies

And manufacture vitamins and such

Each of these little guys fights for existence

Eternity is a long time

Scads of enemies are after them

And life is short


The things that I eat may not be a treat

For these little guys

As they spend their short lives

At their appointed tasks

Of transforming my food

Into nutrients that I can use


The pesticides and spoilage retardants

In the food that I eat

The antibiotics are deadly

It hits them in the gut too


I must remind myself that each day

I need to send more probiotics

Into my gut to replace ones

That are expelled, or eaten

By some enemy


New ones come riding in

On raw vegetables and fruit

And things like sauerkraut and

Live culture yogurt


Lactobacilli, bifidobacteria

And a thousand other kindred souls


I eat the probiotics which are germs

I add prebiotics to keep them healthy

And let them do their job

So that I can do mine


Probiotics, the immune system and allergies

Is an emerging field of study

The scientists get confused

The little guys do their job

And don’t communicate

On the scientific level


Good reading:An Epidemic of Absence

A New Way of Understanding Allergies

And Autoimmune Diseases,

By Moises Velasqez Manoff

The Probiotic Revolution, Gary B. Huffnagle

Bacteria for Breakfast, Dr. Kelly Dowhower Karpa

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