My Pituitary Gland

My Pituitary Gland

My pituitary gland is small but mighty. It asks "turn on the lights to keep yourself healthy" The pituitary gland regulates your health behind the scenes.

My daddy

My Daddy

My Daddy was a great man. I admired him very much. He was a hard worker and lived a healthy life. He taught many lessons of good health and well being.

Winds Of Life

WInds Of Life

The winds of life often carry us along. This poem I wrote about my love of nature and all it offers to our enjoyment.

Vegetable Medley

Vegetable Medley

A Vegetable Medley for a healthy breakfast, dinner and supper and evening snacks for easy sleeping. You can't go wrong with this tasty morsel.

Glacial Hill Run

Glacial Hill Run

My Glacial Hill run was amazing. I welcomed the challenge as much as the view. Such a beautiful site it provided me. My companion – a simple bottle of water. Glacial Hill Run I ran over the hilltop today One

Barefoot Coolies

Barefoot Coolies

Watching the barefooted coolies as they carried their heavy load amazed me. Astounding to say the least. They showed great physical strength and endurance with small reward at the end of the day.